
Arsen Tagaev

Mobile Developer

mainly I develop android & multiplatform apps in Kotlin & Swift.

my tech stack: Jetpack Compose, Decompose, Voyager, SQLDelight, Retrofit, Ktor, Coroutines, SQLite, Room, JUnit, RxJava, Camera2, jSerialComm. I have experience with Firebase (Crashlitycs, Analytics, Push Notifications), Google Play Console, custom libraries (HelloCharts, MPAndroidChart, CircleSeekbar, etc)

My Projects

(IRL FPS in apps are normal, gifs may slow down)

Trello-like KMP app

[KMP, Compose, Koin, Ktor]


PC MachineTool App for Automatic transmission

Desktop application for machine tool (which main purpose is measure common work characteristics of automatic transmission)

Main features:

> UI fully based on Jetpack Compose in desktop

> Can save many types of logs in file system

> Used JFreeChart

> Custom gauges for measuring of pressure (can see: GitHub )

[Jetpack Compose, Compose Desktop, Coroutines, JFreeChart, Files I/O]

NDA for code

Bluetooth Low Energy Android App

Android app for control style of driving. Can receive, parse and save data from BLE tag on phone. Written by me from scratch

Main features:

> working with BLE tag

> ability save logs in android file system

> recording video logs

> UI fully based on Jetpack Compose

> Endless background service for work of all system

> Save and show trips in GoogleMaps

> Custom charts

[Jetpack Compose, Nordicsemi-BLE-Library, Coroutines, Camera2, Google Maps, Files I/O]

NDA for code

PC/OSX SerialPort Application

This application is made to work with a machine tool, that checks the performance of solenoids (Automatic Transmission)

Main features:

> reading and parse raw bytes from serial port

> diy custom circle gauges on main screen

> writing logs in Excel

> UI fully based on Jetpack Compose

[Compose Multiplatform Framework, Jetpack Compose, Coroutines, jSerialComm, jfreechart, Files I/O]


Solar Panel X

Gif: Old version

Picture: New Version of app

Main features:

> power output forecast for solar panels at 5 days ahead

> light sensor

> you can get a forecast for any point on the planet

> paid subscriptions for users

[MVVM, Room, Coroutines, Retrofit, Google Maps SDK, Firebase and custom libraries, Gradle optimized for few build variants (Pro and Free version), Support few languages ]

Google Play and GitHub

[20K+ installs on June 23`]

My Wind Turbine

This application is needed for forecasting future power output of your wind farm. We use original formula, she's adapted for dynamic forecasting.

[MVVM, Room, Coroutines, Retrofit, Google Maps SDK, Firebase and custom libraries, Gradle optimized for few build variants (Pro and Free version), Support few languages]

Google Play and GitHub

[2,6K installs on March 22`]

Ktor Server with DB

Server with CRUD operations

[Ktor, PostgreSQL]


[Based in Heroku]


Open Library, avaibale from https://jitpack.io


Library can show rain, snow and FTL jump :)

Solar Panel Assistant - Firebird

Main features:

> with the application, you will know the future power output of your solar panel 48 hr ahead

> calculation of efficiency your solar panel

> you can get a forecast for any point on the planet

[Retrofit, Room, Google Maps SDK, Firebase and custom libraries]

Google Play and GitLab

[30+ active users in Feb 21`]

DayLight Map